Last Updated on May 24, 2022 by
A pay commission is set up so as to recommend changes to the pay structure of Central Government employees, including military personnel. The 7th Pay Commission is the 7th such commission set up since India’s independence.
It also recommends norms for the issue of bonuses, allowances, pension schemes, retirement benefits, and other incentives while considering the employees’ performance.
Table of Contents
What is the 7th Pay Commission matrix table?
The 7th Pay Commission matrix table is a clear and concise matrix where Central Government employees can see exactly:
- their current pay and their current position in the hierarchy
- their potential career paths
- their potential future earnings as they go up the ladder
The most recent pay matrix has been upgraded in such a way that most of the demands of Central Government employees, i.e., the stakeholders, have been met. Calculation of receivable pension has also been made easier.
Recent pay matrix for Central Government employees
The matrix can be interpreted as the vertical range showing how much you can progress pay-wise in a particular level. The horizontal range shows the different levels ranging from 1 to 18.
For instance, in Grade Pay 1800 and Level 1, the lowest amount you can get paid as an employee is Rs. 18,000, and the highest your pay can progress is up to Rs. 56,900.
The most recent pay matrix for central government employees is as follows:
LEVEL 1 TO 5 – GRADE PAY 1800 TO 2800 | |||||
PB-1 (5200-20200) | |||||
GP | 1800 | 1900 | 2000 | 2400 | 2800 |
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 | 18000 | 19900 | 21700 | 25500 | 29200 |
2 | 18500 | 20500 | 22400 | 26300 | 30100 |
3 | 19100 | 21100 | 23100 | 27100 | 31000 |
4 | 19700 | 21700 | 23800 | 27900 | 31900 |
5 | 20300 | 22400 | 24500 | 28700 | 32900 |
6 | 20900 | 23100 | 25200 | 29600 | 33900 |
7 | 21500 | 23800 | 26000 | 30500 | 34900 |
8 | 22100 | 24500 | 26800 | 31400 | 35900 |
9 | 22800 | 25200 | 27600 | 32300 | 37000 |
10 | 23500 | 26000 | 28400 | 33300 | 38100 |
11 | 24200 | 26800 | 29300 | 34300 | 39200 |
12 | 24900 | 27600 | 30200 | 35300 | 40400 |
13 | 25600 | 28400 | 31100 | 36400 | 41600 |
14 | 26400 | 29300 | 32000 | 37500 | 42800 |
15 | 27200 | 30200 | 33000 | 38600 | 44100 |
16 | 28000 | 31100 | 34000 | 39800 | 45400 |
17 | 28800 | 32000 | 35000 | 41000 | 46800 |
18 | 29700 | 33000 | 36100 | 42200 | 48200 |
19 | 30600 | 34000 | 37200 | 43500 | 49600 |
20 | 31500 | 35000 | 38300 | 44800 | 51100 |
21 | 32400 | 36100 | 39400 | 46100 | 52600 |
22 | 33400 | 37200 | 40600 | 47500 | 54200 |
23 | 34400 | 38300 | 41800 | 48900 | 55800 |
24 | 35400 | 39400 | 43100 | 50400 | 57500 |
25 | 36500 | 40600 | 44400 | 51900 | 59200 |
26 | 37600 | 41800 | 45700 | 53500 | 61000 |
27 | 38700 | 43100 | 47100 | 55100 | 62800 |
28 | 39900 | 44400 | 48500 | 56800 | 64700 |
29 | 41100 | 45700 | 50000 | 58500 | 66600 |
30 | 42300 | 47100 | 51500 | 60300 | 68600 |
31 | 43600 | 48500 | 53000 | 62100 | 70700 |
32 | 44900 | 50000 | 54600 | 64000 | 72800 |
33 | 46200 | 51500 | 56200 | 65900 | 75000 |
34 | 47600 | 53000 | 57900 | 67900 | 77300 |
35 | 49000 | 54600 | 59600 | 69900 | 79600 |
36 | 50500 | 56200 | 61400 | 72000 | 82000 |
37 | 52000 | 57900 | 63200 | 74200 | 84500 |
38 | 53600 | 59600 | 65100 | 76400 | 87000 |
39 | 55200 | 61400 | 67100 | 78700 | 89600 |
40 | 56900 | 63200 | 69100 | 81100 | 92300 |
LEVEL 6 TO 9 – GRADE PAY 4200 TO 5400 | ||||
PB-2 (9300-34800) | ||||
GP | 4200 | 4600 | 4800 | 5400 |
Level | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
1 | 35400 | 44900 | 47600 | 53100 |
2 | 36500 | 46200 | 49000 | 54700 |
3 | 37600 | 47600 | 50500 | 56300 |
4 | 38700 | 49000 | 52000 | 58000 |
5 | 39900 | 50500 | 53600 | 59700 |
6 | 41100 | 52000 | 55200 | 61500 |
7 | 42300 | 53600 | 56900 | 63300 |
8 | 43600 | 55200 | 58600 | 65200 |
9 | 44900 | 56900 | 60400 | 67200 |
10 | 46200 | 58600 | 62200 | 69200 |
11 | 47600 | 60400 | 64100 | 71300 |
12 | 49000 | 62200 | 66000 | 73400 |
13 | 50500 | 64100 | 68000 | 75600 |
14 | 52000 | 66000 | 70000 | 77900 |
15 | 53600 | 68000 | 72100 | 80200 |
16 | 55200 | 70000 | 74300 | 82600 |
17 | 56900 | 72100 | 76500 | 85100 |
18 | 58600 | 74300 | 78800 | 87700 |
19 | 60400 | 76500 | 81200 | 90300 |
20 | 62200 | 78800 | 83600 | 93000 |
21 | 64100 | 81200 | 86100 | 95800 |
22 | 66000 | 83600 | 88700 | 98700 |
23 | 68000 | 86100 | 91400 | 101700 |
24 | 70000 | 88700 | 94100 | 104800 |
25 | 72100 | 91400 | 96900 | 107900 |
26 | 74300 | 94100 | 99800 | 111100 |
27 | 76500 | 96900 | 102800 | 114400 |
28 | 78800 | 99800 | 105900 | 117800 |
29 | 81200 | 102800 | 109100 | 121300 |
30 | 83600 | 105900 | 112400 | 124900 |
31 | 86100 | 109100 | 115800 | 128600 |
32 | 88700 | 112400 | 119300 | 132500 |
33 | 91400 | 115800 | 122900 | 136500 |
34 | 94100 | 119300 | 126600 | 140600 |
35 | 96900 | 122900 | 130400 | 144800 |
36 | 99800 | 126600 | 134300 | 149100 |
37 | 102800 | 130400 | 138300 | 153600 |
38 | 105900 | 134300 | 142400 | 158200 |
39 | 109100 | 138300 | 146700 | 162900 |
40 | 112400 | 142400 | 151100 | 151100 |
LEVEL 10 TO 12 – GRADE PAY 5400 TO 7600 | |||
PB-3 (15600-39100) | |||
GP | 5400 | 6600 | 7600 |
Level | 10 | 11 | 12 |
1 | 56100 | 67700 | 78800 |
2 | 57800 | 69700 | 81200 |
3 | 59500 | 71800 | 83600 |
4 | 61300 | 74000 | 86100 |
5 | 63100 | 76200 | 88700 |
6 | 65000 | 78500 | 91400 |
7 | 67000 | 80900 | 94100 |
8 | 69000 | 83300 | 96900 |
9 | 71100 | 85800 | 99800 |
10 | 73200 | 88400 | 102800 |
11 | 75400 | 91100 | 105900 |
12 | 77700 | 93800 | 109100 |
13 | 80000 | 96600 | 112400 |
14 | 82400 | 99500 | 115800 |
15 | 84900 | 102500 | 119300 |
16 | 87400 | 105600 | 122900 |
17 | 90000 | 108800 | 126600 |
18 | 92700 | 112100 | 130400 |
19 | 95500 | 115500 | 134300 |
20 | 98400 | 119000 | 138300 |
21 | 101400 | 122600 | 142400 |
22 | 104400 | 126300 | 146700 |
23 | 107500 | 130100 | 151100 |
24 | 110700 | 134000 | 155600 |
25 | 114000 | 138000 | 160300 |
26 | 117400 | 142100 | 165100 |
27 | 120900 | 146400 | 170100 |
28 | 124500 | 150800 | 175200 |
29 | 128200 | 155300 | 180500 |
30 | 132000 | 160000 | 185900 |
31 | 136000 | 164800 | 191500 |
32 | 140100 | 169700 | 197200 |
33 | 144300 | 174800 | 203100 |
34 | 148600 | 180000 | 209200 |
35 | 153100 | 185400 | – |
36 | 157700 | 191000 | – |
37 | 162400 | 196700 | – |
38 | 167300 | 202600 | – |
39 | 172300 | 208700 | – |
40 | 177500 | – | – |
LEVEL 13 TO 14 – GP 8700 TO 10000 | |||
PB-4 (37400-67000) | |||
GP | 8700 | 8900 | 10000 |
Level | 13 | 13A | 14 |
1 | 123100 | 131100 | 144200 |
2 | 126800 | 135000 | 148500 |
3 | 130600 | 139100 | 153000 |
4 | 134500 | 143300 | 157600 |
5 | 138500 | 147600 | 162300 |
6 | 142700 | 152000 | 167200 |
7 | 147000 | 156600 | 172200 |
8 | 151400 | 161300 | 177400 |
9 | 155900 | 166100 | 182700 |
10 | 160600 | 171100 | 188200 |
11 | 165400 | 176200 | 193800 |
12 | 170400 | 181500 | 199600 |
13 | 175500 | 186900 | 205600 |
14 | 180800 | 192500 | 211800 |
15 | 186200 | 198300 | 218200 |
16 | 191800 | 204200 | – |
17 | 197600 | 210300 | |
18 | 203500 | 216600 | – |
19 | 209600 | – | – |
20 | 215900 | – | – |
PB | 67000-79000 | 75500-80000 | 80000 | 90000 |
Level | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
1 | 182200 | 205400 | 225000 | 250000 |
2 | 187700 | 211600 | – | – |
3 | 193300 | 217900 | – | – |
4 | 199100 | 224400 | – | – |
5 | 205100 | – | – | – |
6 | 211300 | – | – | – |
7 | 217600 | – | – | – |
8 | 224100 | – | – | – |
Note: Here HAG means Higher Administrative Grade. From level 15 onwards, HAG scales are considered where the starting salary is Rs. 1,82,200.
The pay matrix by the 7th Pay Commission is a standard chart showing all the pay levels in one single place. It depicts the salary structure of Central Government employees. You can also use several online calculators to understand the pay procedure. You may approach a Gazetted officer or Government officers to understand the matrix and its formulation in detail.
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