Last Updated on Jul 20, 2023 by Harshit Singh

“Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.” – Warren Buffett

In the world of investing, where herd intelligence frequently prevails, contrarian investing stands as a distinctive approach that challenges conventional wisdom. Contrarian investors are willing to swim against the drift, seeking openings where others may sweat to tread. This article will explore the crucial factors that impact contrarian investing, including strategies, pitfalls, profits, trade offs, and the significance of timing. By understanding these aspects, investors can make informed opinions about incorporating contrarian tactics into their investment approach.

What is Contrarian Investing?

Contrarian investing is a strategy in which the investors take positions opposite to prevailing market sentiment. Rather than following the crowd, contrarians seek openings in the market that are presently out of favour or underrated by the market. By doing so, they aim to subsidise market overreactions, buying low and dealing high.

To gauge market sentiment, contrarian investors utilise various metrics and indicators such as investor surveys, media sentiment analysis, put-call ratios, volatility index, and technical analysis. These tools provide insights into the prevailing mood and behaviour of market participants, helping contrarian investors identify potential mis-pricings and sentiment extremes.

Contrarian investors rely on their analysis of fundamental factors, such as financial statements, earnings quality, and industry trends, to identify assets that they believe are trading below their intrinsic value. They often conduct extensive research and apply rigorous analysis to uncover opportunities that others may overlook.

The key principle behind contrarian investing is the belief that the market is not always efficient and can exhibit irrational behaviour driven by emotions and herd mentality. Contrarians view these inefficiencies as opportunities to profit from the eventual correction of market sentiment, as the market eventually recognizes the true value of the assets.

For example, suppose a fundamentally strong tech company whose stock drops from Rs. 100 to Rs. 50 due to negative quarterly results or short-term market pressure. Most investors panic and sell, but a contrarian investor believes the market has overreacted. They purchase the stock at Rs. 50, anticipating its eventual recovery. If the stock rises back to Rs. 100, the contrarian investor enjoys a 100% return.

Strategy and approaches

Contrarian investing encompasses different strategies and approaches, each with its own nuances and methodologies. While the underpinning principle remains the same — to identify and capitalise on market mis-pricings and sentiment extremes contrarian investors employ different tactics to achieve their goals.

Value investing

Value investing is the foundation of contrarian investing. Followers of this approach hunt for stocks or other assets that they believe are trading below their intrinsic value. The explanation is that market participants may have overlooked or underrated the true worth of these assets, providing an occasion for contrarians to buy them at a discount. 

Value investors conduct scrupulous fundamental analysis, checking financial statements, cash flows, earnings quality, and other applicable criteria to determine the intrinsic value of an asset. By identifying companies with strong fundamentals but depressed stock prices, contrarians aim to buy low and hold until the market recognises the fundamental value, potentially leading to substantial yield.

Sentiment-based investing

Sentiment-based contrarian investing focuses on gauging market sentiment and identifying extreme sanguinity or pessimism that may antecede a trend reversal. Contrarians believe that when the majority of investors are monstrously bullish, it frequently signals an overheated market and a possible correction. Contrarily, when pessimism prevails, contrarians hunt for signs of inordinate negativity, as it may indicate an oversold market ripe for a rebound. 

Sentiment pointers employed by contrarian investors include investor surveys, media sentiment analysis, put-call rates, and other sentiment related data. By covering these pointers, contrarians aim to determine when market sentiment reaches extremes, handing over chances to take positions contrary to prevailing sentiment. 

Sector rotation 

Another contrarian strategy involves sector rotation, which entails identifying sectors or industries that are presently out of favour and rotating into them when sentiment is low. Contrarians recognise that market sentiment can disproportionately impact certain sectors, leading to temporary disruptions and undervaluation.

For instance, during economic downturns or times of pessimism, cyclical sectors such as manufacturing or energy may witness significant declines in stock prices. Contrarians who believe in the long-term prospects of these sectors may widely invest when the sentiment is at its worst, situating themselves for possible coming return when the sentiment ultimately shifts.

Event-driven investing

Event-driven contrarian investing involves capitalising on market overreactions to specific events,  like as corporate announcements, regulatory changes, or geopolitical developments. Contrarians believe that markets tend to overreact to news, causing temporary distortions in asset prices.

By rigorously analysing the details and implications of events, contrarians can identify mispriced assets. For example, if a company experiences a negative event, like a lawsuit or a regulatory setback, the stock price may dip due to fear of selling. Contrarian investors who have conducted thorough research may view similar events as openings to buy the stock at an attractive price, anticipating a kickback once the market digests the news more rationally.

It’s worth noting that contrarian investors frequently combine different strategies and approaches, acclimatising their approach based on market conditions and individual preferences. The key is to be flexible and adaptable, conforming the investment strategy to align with evolving market dynamics and sentiment shifts

Examples of Contrarian investors 

Source – Trading view

The most prominent illustration of a contrarian investor is Warren Buffett. At the height of the 2008 subprime crisis, when markets were tumbling amidst a surge of bankruptcies, he bought equities for American companies, including investment bank Goldman Sachs Group, Inc .Ten years later his advice proved to be correct when from 2008 to 2018, Goldman’s stock had jumped by roughly 239.3%.

Source – Trading view

One Indian illustration of contrarian investing approach is Ramdeo Agrawal’s investment in the Indian pharmaceutical company, Lupin Limited. In 2008, Lupin’s stock price had fallen significantly due to concerns about regulatory issues and pricing pressures in the industry. While numerous investors were sceptical about the company’s prospects, Agrawal saw an occasion and started accumulating shares of Lupin.  Lupin’s stock price witnessed a significant appreciation, generating substantial returns of 655% in the next ten years for Agrawal and his investors.

Risks and Rewards

Contrarian investing, like any investment strategy, carries inherent risks and rewards that investors must carefully evaluate. By understanding these factors, investors can make informed decisions and manage their expectations effectively.


  • Mistaking temporary setbacks

One of the key risks in contrarian investing is the potential for mistaking a temporary setback or market noise for a long-term undervaluation. Contrarian investors must diligently differentiate between a genuine undervalued asset and one that is experiencing temporary challenges or negative sentiment. Failing to identify this distinction can lead to poor investment decisions and potential losses.

For example, a company’s stock price may experience a significant drop due to negative news or market volatility. A contrarian investor must assess whether this drop reflects a fundamental deterioration in the company’s financial health or if it is merely a temporary setback that does not reflect its true value.

  • Market timing challenges

Timing the market is a difficult task, and contrarian investors are no exception to this challenge. Contrarian strategies rely on identifying sentiment extremes and anticipating sentiment shifts. However, accurately timing these shifts is complex and can result in missed opportunities or entering positions too early or too late.

  • Market momentum

Markets can experience prolonged periods of momentum, where prevailing trends continue for longer than expected. Contrarian investors who go against prevailing momentum risk being early in their contrarian bets, potentially enduring losses before the market sentiment eventually aligns with their analysis.


  • Potential for higher returns

The primary reward of successful contrarian investing is the potential for higher returns. By identifying undervalued assets or sentiment extremes, contrarians can position themselves to profit from the market’s eventual recognition of their analysis. When the sentiment shifts or the asset’s true value is realised, contrarian investors can benefit from substantial price appreciation.

  • Buying low – Selling high

Contrarian investors have the advantage of purchasing assets at discounted prices. When an asset is out of favour or undervalued, contrarians can acquire it at a lower cost compared to the prevailing sentiment-driven market prices. This approach potentially enhances the upside potential and overall profitability when the sentiment reverses, and the asset’s value is restored.

Contrarian investing can offer diversification benefits to an investor’s portfolio. By actively seeking opportunities that are not correlated with prevailing market trends, contrarian investments can provide a hedge against the broader market movements. This can help minimise overall portfolio risk and possibly maximise risk-adjusted returns.

It is essential for contrarian investors to recognize and balance these risks and rewards. Diligent research, careful risk management, and a long-term perspective are crucial to mitigating risks while maximising the potential rewards. Successful contrarian investing requires discipline, patience, and a steadfast commitment to thorough analysis and conviction in one’s investment thesis.

Tradeoffs and challenges

Contrarian investing involves several tradeoffs and challenges that investors must carefully navigate to achieve success.

Short-term losses vs. Long-term gains

Contrarian investors may experience short-term losses or underperformance during periods of extended market trends or sentiment-driven momentum. By going against prevailing sentiment, contrarians risk enduring temporary setbacks before their investment thesis is validated. It requires discipline and conviction to weather these short-term challenges with the expectation of long-term gains.

Scepticism and criticism

Contrarian investors often face scepticism and criticism from the investment community when their views diverge from the consensus. It can be mentally challenging to stand firm in one’s convictions and resist the pressure to conform to popular opinions. Contrarians must be prepared to face scrutiny and remain confident in their research and analysis.

Research and analysis

Contrarian investing demands thorough research and analysis to identify mispriced assets and sentiment extremes accurately. This can be time-consuming and require a deep understanding of various factors influencing the market. Contrarians must possess the skills and resources necessary to conduct comprehensive research and make informed investment decisions.

Other key considerations

Economic and market conditions

Contrarian investors should closely monitor economic and market conditions that may influence sentiment shifts. Factors such as economic indicators, policy changes, or geopolitical events can impact market sentiment. Understanding how these factors interplay with contrarian strategies can help investors make more informed timing decisions.

Patience and long-term perspective

Contrarian investing often requires patience and a long-term perspective. Contrarians should be prepared to hold their investments for extended periods, waiting for the market to recognise the underlying value. Timing the impact of contrarian investments may require staying committed to the investment thesis despite short-term fluctuations.

Risk management

Timing decisions should incorporate proper risk management techniques. Setting stop-loss orders or using position-sizing techniques can help mitigate potential losses in case the timing of contrarian investments proves to be incorrect. Proper risk management ensures that the impact of mis-timed investments is limited, protecting the overall portfolio.

Ultimately, contrarian investors must strike a balance between timing their investments effectively and considering the potential impact of market sentiment shifts. Patience, thorough analysis, and risk management play vital roles in navigating the challenges and maximising the opportunities associated with contrarian investing.


Contrarian investing offers a distinctive approach to investment that challenges conventional thinking. While it carries its share of pitfalls, it also presents unique openings for those willing to ride the trend. By conducting thorough exploration, precisely assessing market sentiment, and understanding the implicit tradeoffs and challenges, investors can navigate the world of contrarian investing more effectively. Flash back, contrarian investing requires discipline, tolerance, and a loyal commitment to fundamental analysis. By learning these rudiments, investors may discover retired gems and achieve compelling returns in the ever-evolving world of finance.

Naman Jain
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