Gold ETFs are a type of Exchange Traded Funds, which are passively managed. These track domestic gold prices.
Mutual fund NAV is similar to stock price, but there are key differences. Read more about NAV to understand the concept and make better investment decisions.
Analysing the industry in which a company operates helps decide whether a stock is worth buying. It becomes a basis for forecasting the company’s performance and gauging the value of the stock.
Want to be an early investor in a future industry in India? Read five future-ready sectors and stocks that can make it big.
Since beta is a measure of volatility and an indicator of stock performance, it can be used to diversify your investment portfolio.
Read what values and characteristics shape Gen Z, what defines your financial behaviours, and money management tips for enjoying a comfortable life.
A company can pay two types of dividends. An interim dividend is paid in the middle of a fiscal. Read more on what is an interim dividend, how it is funded, and how it is taxed.
Gratuity is a monetary benefit an eligible employer pays their employees under the Payment of Gratuity Act. Read gratuity rules, eligibility, calculation and more here.