Learn more about Anil Kumar Goel portfolio, investment strategy, sector wise split in investments and his net worth in 2024.
Want to know how many trading holidays are there in the stock market this year? Click here for a complete list of trading holidays listed NSE for 2024.
Read to learn more about Dilipkumar Lakhi’s portfolio of 12 stocks amounting Rs. 1,075.8 cr. in net worth. This article includes his investment strategy and recent bulk and block deals.
Read on to learn about Ashish Kacholia’s portfolio for 2023, investment strategy, bulk and block deals and net worth!
With a net worth of Rs. 3,824.4 cr., Mukul Agrawal is one of the prominent investors in the stock market. Here is a summary of Mukul Agrawal’s portfolio, profile and investment approach.
Wondering which stocks yield the best dividend? Click here to get the list of the high dividend stocks with other important details about them using a stock screener.
For over a decade, India’s service sector has been contributing more than 50% of the GDP. In 2021-22, manufacturing constituted only 17.4% of our GDP. However, for the size of a country like India, the primary growth engine to fulfil the aspirations of New India has to be the manufacturing sector.
Markets talk in the language of expectations and not Hindi/English etc. At any point of time in the market cap of a company, there is an inherent expectation embedded about future cash flows and discount rates.
Markets have been choppy recently but seem to be holding up the support zone well. Read expert Kunal Rambhia’s take on Tata Motors.