A well-diversified portfolio can help you (investors) mitigate loss; even if one asset fails, there can be others in the portfolio to compensate for the loss and reap profits. smallcase is one such investment type with portfolio diversification as its key feature.
A bond is a loan from a lender to a borrower. Dive deep into bonds, their types, how bond prices change, and more in this article.
Read what angel investing is, how to become an angel investor and the pros and cons of angel investing in India.
Market capitalisation is one such key aspect an investor must understand before investing. The companies in the stock market are classified based on the market capitalisation as small-cap, mid-cap and large-cap. In this article, let’s learn about market capitalisation and the difference between small-cap, mid-cap and large-cap.
Planning for retirement is essential to be able to live a comfortable life when you no longer earn a stable…
A bank can no longer cite ignorance of contents for loss or damage caused to your assets in a safe deposit locker.
Commodity refers to goods that can be interchanged with the same or similar type of goods. Click here to read more about commodities, their categorization and how they work!
Want to know the meaning of financial instruments? Click here to read the definition, features and find out the different types of asset classes with latest examples
Want to know what is return on equity ratio? Click here to get information on benefits of return on equity & find out how to use its formula for calculation with examples!