Overnight funds are open-ended debt mutual funds investing in overnight securities maturing daily. Learn about their features and advantages for long and short-term investment strategies.
Check and compare the best debt mutual funds in India based on 5Y CAGR, expense ratio and volatility, and learn about debt mutual fund taxation.
Discover India’s top 10 high-return mutual funds based on 3Y CAGR. Explore high-return funds across large, mid, and small caps on Tickertape Mutual Fund Screener.
Discover high dividend paying mutual funds in India. Learn about top dividend yield funds, taxation, differences with growth funds, and market insights!
Gilt funds are debt mutual funds investing in government securities. Learn about gilt funds’ meaning, features, and advantages to make informed investment decisions in India.
Explore the best flexi cap funds in India. Learn how to identify flexi-cap funds for SIP and long-term investments using the Tickertape Mutual Fund Screener.
Learn about income funds, which generate regular income through dividends, stocks, bonds, and securities. Discover their meaning, features, benefits, and risks.
Find the best small-cap mutual funds in India for 2025, featuring high-growth potential investments, taxation, and more.
Explore top-performing equity mutual funds in India with Tickertape screener filters (2025). Understand the definition, features, and characteristics of equity funds now!