Learn the essence of portfolio diversification, identify red flags, and partner with Tickertape to mitigate risks and maximise returns in the face of market fluctuations.
Tickertape Stock Screener is an intuitive stock screener with over 200 filters, pre-built screens, custom filters, and much more. Let’s look at its features in detail.
Tickertape empowers you to make well-rounded, data-backed, and rewarding investment decisions through intuitive features and analytical tools.
Ever wondered how to find 52-week low stocks? Click here to check out Tickertae Stock Screener to research, evaluate & discover stocks near 52-week lows.
Ever wondered how to use Tickertape screener for stocks? Click here to check out India’s best stock screener to research, evaluate & discover cash-rich large-cap stocks.
Now select the right fund for your financial goal with tickertape’s Mutual Fund Screener, in just a few clicks!
Until 30th Sep 2021, new Tickertape Pro subscriptions on our 1 mth plan cannot be started on credit/debit cards. You can select 3, 6 or 12 mth plans and pay via other options including credit/debit card, UPI, and net banking instead
Tickertape’s Mutual Fund Pages help you analyse mutual funds based on the scheme details, metrics, fund manager, holdings, etc. Learn how to use them to evaluate the feasibility of investing in a scheme.