Overnight funds are open-ended debt mutual funds investing in overnight securities maturing daily. Learn about their features and advantages for long and short-term investment strategies.
Gilt funds are debt mutual funds investing in government securities. Learn about gilt funds’ meaning, features, and advantages to make informed investment decisions in India.
Learn about income funds, which generate regular income through dividends, stocks, bonds, and securities. Discover their meaning, features, benefits, and risks.
Discover the list of best large-cap mutual funds in India for 2025! Explore top blue-chip funds, performance, market cap, and equity funds taxation.
Learn about hedge funds in India and how they differ from mutual funds. Explore features, types and benefits and understand how do hedge funds work.
Discover the list of best SBI mutual funds for 2025. Explore top SBI funds for SIPs, expense ratios, 3Y CAGR, and AUM to plan your investments.
Explore alternative investment funds (AIFs) in India, which invest in assets beyond bonds and stocks. Learn the full form, meaning, and eligibility criteria for this alternative investment!
Money market funds are short-term debt funds that generate returns and offer high liquidity. Learn about their meaning, features, advantages, and more.
Discover the best investment plans for a girl child in India for 2025, including Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, mutual funds, and post office saving schemes.