Last Updated on May 24, 2022 by Aradhana Gotur

Of the seven stock exchanges operational in India, the two major stock exchanges are: 

1. Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and 
2. National Stock Exchange (NSE)

The Indian stock market timings and stock market holidays for both these exchanges are the same. SEBI decides the timings of the stock market in India. On weekdays, retail customers can perform transactions such as buying or selling shares between 9:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. through broker agencies. Both NSE and BSE remain closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Apart from weekends, there are also national and cultural holidays. This article lists out the stock market holidays so that you may determine the stock market working days to plan your trades.

There are different segments to the Indian stock market. The most popular being the equity segment, with stocks of more than 5000 listed companies trading. The debt segment is another vital segment of the stock market with a lot of trading on government securities, bonds, treasury bills, CODs, commercial papers and so on.

Another important segment is the commodity, in which physical substances like gold, silver, copper, and crude are traded on a contract basis. There is also the extremely popular derivatives segment in which bonds, commodities, currencies and more are traded, again on a contract basis. The foreign exchange (forex) segment in which currencies are traded electronically also forms an essential part of stock exchange.

Trading hours

Here are the segment-wise trade hours of the stock exchanges during the entire trading session.

Market pre-opening timing

The first session lasts for 15 minutes. The timings are 9:00-9:15 a.m. Here, the orders for sale or purchase can be placed. This session can be further classified into three sessions:

i) 9:00 a.m. to 9:08 a.m.

Orders for any transaction can be placed during these eight minutes. When the actual trading begins at 9:15 am, this order entry shall be given priority. Any requests made during this time can be modified as per the need of the investor. No more orders or modifications can be placed after the first eight minutes of the pre-opening session.

ii) 9:08 a.m. to 9:12 a.m.

This segment plays a vital role in the price determination of any security since price matching orders are carried out by corresponding demand and supply prices. The final price, at which the stock shall begin trading during the stock market timing, is determined through a multilateral order matching system.

iii) 9:12 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.

This segment acts as a transition period between pre-opening and normal share market timing. No additional orders can be placed, neither can the bets made during the previous segment be revoked.

Normal trading session

This is the normal Sensex timing as well as the timing of the other Indian stock markets starting 9:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m, wherein price determination is done through forces of demand and supply.

Stock market closing time

The stock market closes at 3:30 p.m. The closing price is determined during this segment, and this price has a significant impact on the next day’s opening price. This session can be further divided into two sessions:

i) 3:30 p.m. to 3:40 p.m.

The closing prices are determined using a weighted average of prices of securities trading from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

ii) 3:40 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

During this period, orders for the next day can be placed provided adequate buyers and sellers are present in the market. These transactions are completed at a fixed price irrespective of the opening price.

Trading holidays for various segments of stock market

Stock market holidays for 2021 – Equity segment, derivative segment and SLB segment:

Sl No.DateDayDescription
126-Jan-2021TuesdayRepublic Day
402-Apr-2021FridayGood Friday
514-Apr-2021WednesdayDr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar Jayanti
621-Apr-2021WednesdayRam Navami
713-May-2021ThursdayId-Ul-Fitr (Ramzan ID)
821-Jul-2021WednesdayBakri Id
1010-Sep-2021FridayGanesh Chaturthi
1319-Nov-2021FridayGurunanak Jayanti

The holidays falling on Saturday / Sunday are as follows:

Sl No.DateDayDescription
125-Apr-2021SundayMahavir Jayanti
201-May-2021SaturdayMaharashtra Day
315-Aug-2021SundayIndependence Day
402-Oct-2021SaturdayMahatma Gandhi Jayanti

Trading holidays for the calendar year 2021 for the commodity derivatives segment:

Sl No.DateDayDescription
126-Jan-2021TuesdayRepublic Day
202-Apr-2021FridayGood Friday

Trading holidays for the calendar year 2021 for currency derivatives segment and interest rate derivatives segment:

Sl No.DateDayDescription
126-Jan-2021TuesdayRepublic Day
219-Feb-2021FridayChatrapati Shivaji Jayanti
501-Apr-2021ThursdayAnnual Bank Closing
602-Apr-2021FridayGood Friday
713-Apr-2021TuesdayGudi Padwa
814-Apr-2021WednesdayDr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar Jayanti
921-Apr-2021WednesdayRam Navami
1013-May-2021ThursdayId-Ul-Fitr (Ramzan ID)
1126-May-2021WednesdayBuddha Pournima
1221-Jul-2021WednesdayBakri Id
1316-Aug-2021MondayParsi New Year
1510-Sep-2021FridayGanesh Chaturthi
1919-Nov-2021FridayGurunanak Jayanti

Trading holidays for the calendar year 2021 for debt segment – corporate bonds, new debt segment, negotiated trade reporting platform

Sl. No.DateDayDescription
126-Jan-2021TuesdayRepublic Day
219-Feb-2021FridayChatrapati Shivaji Jayanti
501-Apr-2021ThursdayAnnual Bank Closing
602-Apr-2021FridayGood Friday
713-Apr-2021TuesdayGudi Padwa
814-Apr-2021WednesdayDr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar Jayanti
921-Apr-2021WednesdayRam Navami
1013-May-2021ThursdayId-Ul-Fitr (Ramzan ID)
1126-May-2021WednesdayBuddha Pournima
1221-Jul-2021WednesdayBakri Id
1316-Aug-2021MondayParsi New Year
1510-Sep-2021FridayGanesh Chaturthi
1804-Nov-2021ThursdayDiwali-Laxmi Pujan
2019-Nov-2021FridayGurunanak Jayanti

Note: Stock market is usually closed during Diwali. However, both NSE and BSE allow a one-hour trading session, called the Muhurat Trading, which is on 04 November 2021.  This is carried out depending on the muhurat timings since it is considered auspicious. Stay tuned and keep an eye on Tickertape Blog for more details on Muhurat Trading!


Does the stock market operate on weekends?

No. The stock market only operates from Monday to Friday from 9:15 a.m. till 3:30 p.m. and stays closed during weekends.

Can trading hours be revised?

Yes, trading hours can be extended, reduced or advanced whenever necessary. SEBI is the governing body that decides the timings of trading hours. Stock exchanges are required to notify the investors about any changes in timing.

What are the pre-opening timings?

The pre-opening timings are 9:00 a.m. till 9:08 a.m. during which one can place the order. However, actual trading starts at 9.15 am but the order placed during this time shall be given priority.

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