According to Warren Buffett, compound interest is ideal for growth as it earns on both initial investment and accumulated interest. Discover the 5 most traded consistent compounding stocks in India.
Companies can use several criteria to evaluate capital investment opportunities. Read what NPV and IRR are and the difference between them.
Want to know how investors are making impact investments to unleash the power of capital for society? Click here to know about the outcome impact investments can achieve.
Looking for secret tips on investing like Warren Buffett? Read on to know more about Warren Buffet, his investment tricks and learn about his style of investment!
Like all other stocks, REITs involve a substantial level of risk compared to government bonds. They can potentially give negative total returns when interest rates are high or are on the rise. Read more about the risks associated with investing in REITs.
Now that it’s already 2022, let us look at few of the sectors that you’d like to keep on your radar for your smallcases.