

I'm a Senior Content Writer at Tickertape. With over 5 years of experience in the financial industry and insatiable curiosity, I bring complex financial topics to life in a way anyone can understand. My passion for educating others shines through in my approachable writing style.

In today’s interconnected world, no country can function in isolation. Geopolitical ties and investments greatly influence a country’s development. Countries can attract foreign investments through various means and routes, the most popular method being the FDI. 

index fund

Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting your investing journey, index funds may add good value to your portfolio. Read on to find out what index funds are, what traits make them attractive to investors, how you can invest in them, and more!

What is NAV in mutual funds? The Net Asset Value (NAV) in mutual funds is the per unit cost of the fund and represents the price at which the particular fund is bought or sold by an investor. A mutual fund’s NAV is decided by market forces at…