100.00 to 1683802.44
Showing 1 - 20 of 112 results
NameStocks (112)↓ | ↓Sub-SectorSub-Sector↓ | ↓Market CapMarket Cap↓ | ↓Close PriceClose Price↓ | ↓PE RatioPE Ratio↓ | ↓1M Return1M Return↓ | ↓6M Return6M Return↓ | ↓1Y Return1Y Return↓ | ↓PB RatioPB Ratio↓ | ↓Return on EquityReturn on Equity↓ | ↓ROCEROCE↓ | ||
1. | Vodafone Idea LtdIDEA | Telecom ServicesTelecom Services | 49,474.1249,474.12 | 6.956.95 | -1.58-1.58 | -20.66-20.66 | -47.51-47.51 | -46.95-46.95 | -0.47-0.47 | -- | -3.55-3.55 | |
2. | RattanIndia Power LtdRTNPOWER | Power GenerationPower Generation | 4,952.934,952.93 | 9.259.25 | 0.560.56 | -10.28-10.28 | -40.05-40.05 | 10.1210.12 | 1.041.04 | 3,042.663,042.66 | 135.26135.26 | |
3. | GTL Infrastructure LtdGTLINFRA | Telecom InfrastructureTelecom Infrastructure | 1,915.791,915.79 | 1.501.50 | -2.81-2.81 | -12.28-12.28 | -39.76-39.76 | -14.29-14.29 | -0.38-0.38 | -- | -2.73-2.73 | |
4. | Unitech LtdUNITECH | Real EstateReal Estate | 1,695.661,695.66 | 6.506.50 | -0.51-0.51 | -24.33-24.33 | -34.87-34.87 | -33.67-33.67 | -0.34-0.34 | -- | 15.4715.47 | |
5. | Rama Steel Tubes LtdRAMASTEEL | Building Products - PipesBuilding Products - Pipes | 1,507.881,507.88 | 9.739.73 | 51.7851.78 | -13.43-13.43 | -39.71-39.71 | -27.39-27.39 | 4.344.34 | 9.549.54 | 15.6115.61 | |
6. | Salasar Techno Engineering LtdSALASAR | Iron & SteelIron & Steel | 1,394.621,394.62 | 8.108.10 | 26.3426.34 | -26.23-26.23 | -64.43-64.43 | -60.77-60.77 | 3.093.09 | 12.4412.44 | 23.0423.04 | |
7. | Dish TV India LtdDISHTV | Cable & D2HCable & D2H | 1,107.051,107.05 | 6.036.03 | -0.56-0.56 | -22.39-22.39 | -56.90-56.90 | -65.93-65.93 | -0.40-0.40 | -- | 3.703.70 | |
8. | Media Matrix Worldwide LtdMMWL | AdvertisingAdvertising | 974.72974.72 | 8.638.63 | 194.17194.17 | -29.19-29.19 | -62.17-62.17 | -46.92-46.92 | 3.373.37 | 2.332.33 | 4.454.45 | |
9. | Jaiprakash Associates LtdJPASSOCIAT | ConglomeratesConglomerates | 949.62949.62 | 3.883.88 | -0.71-0.71 | -14.35-14.35 | -45.35-45.35 | -76.90-76.90 | -0.36-0.36 | -- | -1.15-1.15 | |
10. | Steel Exchange India LtdSTEELXIND | Iron & SteelIron & Steel | 920.69920.69 | 7.717.71 | 84.6284.62 | -14.62-14.62 | -42.76-42.76 | -40.46-40.46 | 1.391.39 | -11.67-11.67 | 7.877.87 | |
11. | Vertoz LtdVERTOZ | AdvertisingAdvertising | 818.38818.38 | 9.639.63 | 51.8351.83 | -12.30-12.30 | -71.71-71.71 | -74.40-74.40 | 5.165.16 | 12.0912.09 | 10.9910.99 | |
12. | Shalimar Agencies LtdSAGL | Investment Banking & BrokerageInvestment Banking & Brokerage | 681.20681.20 | 9.809.80 | -13,623.94-13,623.94 | -28.26-28.26 | 102.90102.90 | 151.60151.60 | 242.42242.42 | -1.76-1.76 | -1.78-1.78 | |
13. | Sarveshwar Foods LtdSARVESHWAR | Packaged Foods & MeatsPackaged Foods & Meats | 671.47671.47 | 6.886.88 | 40.0240.02 | -9.95-9.95 | -34.60-34.60 | -36.59-36.59 | 2.662.66 | 7.197.19 | 17.9217.92 | |
14. | Spright Agro LtdSPRIGHT | Agro ProductsAgro Products | 588.69588.69 | 5.515.51 | 50.6250.62 | -23.15-23.15 | -58.93-58.93 | -47.08-47.08 | -806.42-806.42 | -- | -2,150.85-2,150.85 | |
15. | GVK Power & Infrastructure LtdGVKPIL | AirportsAirports | 584.19584.19 | 3.713.71 | 28.6428.64 | -13.52-13.52 | -47.00-47.00 | -64.33-64.33 | 1.041.04 | 4.024.02 | 20.2920.29 | |
16. | Mishtann Foods LtdMISHTANN | FMCG - FoodsFMCG - Foods | 572.70572.70 | 5.335.33 | 1.661.66 | -5.62-5.62 | -65.37-65.37 | -71.42-71.42 | 1.041.04 | 98.7398.73 | 62.8662.86 | |
17. | Vikas Lifecare LtdVIKASLIFE | Plastic ProductsPlastic Products | 553.83553.83 | 2.992.99 | 39.4539.45 | -10.75-10.75 | -35.84-35.84 | -45.64-45.64 | 1.161.16 | 3.463.46 | 3.983.98 | |
18. | Evexia Lifecare LtdEVEXIA | Fertilizers & Agro ChemicalsFertilizers & Agro Chemicals | 479.20479.20 | 2.562.56 | 349.78349.78 | -11.15-11.15 | -27.89-27.89 | 20.7520.75 | 3.703.70 | 1.251.25 | 0.290.29 | |
19. | Nandan Denim LtdNDL | TextilesTextiles | 465.68465.68 | 3.243.24 | 10.3610.36 | -21.55-21.55 | -48.28-48.28 | -0.61-0.61 | 0.800.80 | 7.997.99 | 15.4215.42 | |
20. | FCS Software Solutions LtdFCSSOFT | Software ServicesSoftware Services | 451.72451.72 | 2.652.65 | -37.49-37.49 | -8.30-8.30 | -27.00-27.00 | -32.91-32.91 | 1.031.03 | -3.02-3.02 | -1.29-1.29 |