5000.00 to 1687892.88
15.00 to 179.32
15.00 to 172938225691027070.00
NameStocks (54)↓ | ↓Sub-SectorSub-Sector↓ | ↓Market CapMarket Cap↓ | ↓Close PriceClose Price↓ | ↓5Y Historical Revenue Growth5Y Hist Rev Growth↓ | ↓5Y Avg Return on Equity5Y Avg ROE↓ | ↓% Away From 52W Low% Away From 52W Low↓ | ↑PE RatioPE Ratio↑ | ||
1. | PNC Infratech LtdPNCINFRA | Construction & EngineeringConstruction & Engineering | 6,527.646,527.64 | 254.45254.45 | 17.9717.97 | 19.0019.00 | 4.284.28 | 7.187.18 | |
2. | IIFL Finance LtdIIFL | Investment Banking & BrokerageInvestment Banking & Brokerage | 13,242.7913,242.79 | 311.95311.95 | 15.1215.12 | 15.9715.97 | 11.4911.49 | 7.517.51 | |
3. | Adani Power LtdADANIPOWER | Power GenerationPower Generation | 1,96,761.741,96,761.74 | 510.15510.15 | 17.9917.99 | 22.4522.45 | 18.0918.09 | 9.459.45 | |
4. | Oil India LtdOIL | Oil & Gas - Exploration & ProductionOil & Gas - Exploration & Production | 60,046.2360,046.23 | 369.15369.15 | 16.3716.37 | 17.6217.62 | 12.4912.49 | 9.489.48 | |
5. | Can Fin Homes LtdCANFINHOME | Home FinancingHome Financing | 8,159.688,159.68 | 612.80612.80 | 15.2815.28 | 18.4418.44 | 9.729.72 | 10.8710.87 | |
6. | Tanla Platforms LtdTANLA | Software ServicesSoftware Services | 6,023.456,023.45 | 447.45447.45 | 31.3731.37 | 25.1925.19 | 9.319.31 | 10.9910.99 | |
7. | Angel One LtdANGELONE | Investment Banking & BrokerageInvestment Banking & Brokerage | 18,043.1018,043.10 | 1,998.601,998.60 | 40.2440.24 | 37.1937.19 | 2.812.81 | 16.0316.03 | |
8. | Route Mobile LtdROUTE | IT Services & ConsultingIT Services & Consulting | 6,106.446,106.44 | 969.85969.85 | 37.1037.10 | 20.9420.94 | 1.771.77 | 16.2816.28 | |
9. | Birlasoft LtdBSOFT | IT Services & ConsultingIT Services & Consulting | 11,133.1511,133.15 | 400.65400.65 | 15.2115.21 | 16.7116.71 | 2.962.96 | 17.8517.85 | |
10. | Man Infraconstruction LtdMANINFRA | Construction & EngineeringConstruction & Engineering | 5,508.125,508.12 | 146.77146.77 | 26.9826.98 | 15.5015.50 | 5.595.59 | 18.3418.34 | |
11. | Jindal Stainless LtdJSL | Iron & SteelIron & Steel | 53,469.7253,469.72 | 649.35649.35 | 23.2823.28 | 20.6820.68 | 14.3114.31 | 19.7119.71 | |
12. | HDFC Bank LtdHDFCBANK | Private BanksPrivate Banks | 12,89,629.7512,89,629.75 | 1,685.501,685.50 | 26.8726.87 | 16.6916.69 | 18.5918.59 | 20.1320.13 | |
13. | Five-Star Business Finance LtdFIVESTAR | Consumer FinanceConsumer Finance | 19,152.7619,152.76 | 650.55650.55 | 40.3740.37 | 16.0516.05 | 8.428.42 | 22.9122.91 | |
14. | Gujarat Gas LtdGUJGASLTD | Gas DistributionGas Distribution | 26,296.5026,296.50 | 382.00382.00 | 15.0415.04 | 28.2328.23 | 6.046.04 | 22.9922.99 | |
15. | Mastek LtdMASTEK | IT Services & ConsultingIT Services & Consulting | 7,336.117,336.11 | 2,375.652,375.65 | 23.3223.32 | 19.1419.14 | 15.2615.26 | 24.4324.43 | |
16. | Aptus Value Housing Finance India LtdAPTUS | Home FinancingHome Financing | 15,254.3315,254.33 | 305.20305.20 | 33.1633.16 | 16.0916.09 | 13.9013.90 | 24.9324.93 | |
17. | AU Small Finance Bank LtdAUBANK | Consumer FinanceConsumer Finance | 38,866.3238,866.32 | 522.10522.10 | 29.2429.24 | 16.9516.95 | 5.975.97 | 25.3225.32 | |
18. | Apar Industries LtdAPARINDS | Electrical Components & EquipmentsElectrical Components & Equipments | 22,078.5122,078.51 | 5,496.505,496.50 | 15.2715.27 | 19.9419.94 | 0.630.63 | 26.7626.76 | |
19. | Fine Organic Industries LtdFINEORG | Specialty ChemicalsSpecialty Chemicals | 11,531.2211,531.22 | 3,761.003,761.00 | 15.2315.23 | 30.2430.24 | 10.3910.39 | 28.0028.00 | |
20. | LTIMindtree LtdLTIM | IT Services & ConsultingIT Services & Consulting | 1,37,877.401,37,877.40 | 4,654.454,654.45 | 30.0230.02 | 30.0230.02 | 3.123.12 | 30.0930.09 |