0.00 to 171.45
0.10 to 29.13
1.00 to 243.46
NameStocks (115)↓ | ↓Sub-SectorSub-Sector↓ | ↓Market CapMarket Cap↓ | ↓Close PriceClose Price↓ | ↓3Y Historical Dividend Growth3Y Hist Div Growth↓ | ↓Payout RatioPayout Ratio↓ | ↓Dividend YieldDiv Yield↓ | ||
1. | Tata Consultancy Services LtdTCS | IT Services & ConsultingIT Services & Consulting | 12,93,574.8312,93,574.83 | 3,575.303,575.30 | 24.3124.31 | 0.580.58 | 2.042.04 | |
2. | HDFC Bank LtdHDFCBANK | Private BanksPrivate Banks | 12,89,629.7512,89,629.75 | 1,685.501,685.50 | 44.2244.22 | 0.200.20 | 1.151.15 | |
3. | Infosys LtdINFY | IT Services & ConsultingIT Services & Consulting | 6,88,325.556,88,325.55 | 1,661.601,661.60 | 19.4319.43 | 0.730.73 | 2.772.77 | |
4. | State Bank of IndiaSBIN | Public BanksPublic Banks | 6,51,363.396,51,363.39 | 729.85729.85 | 50.7450.74 | 0.180.18 | 1.881.88 | |
5. | Hindustan Unilever LtdHINDUNILVR | FMCG - Household ProductsFMCG - Household Products | 5,20,892.635,20,892.63 | 2,216.952,216.95 | 1.221.22 | 0.960.96 | 1.891.89 | |
6. | ITC LtdITC | FMCG - TobaccoFMCG - Tobacco | 5,08,296.575,08,296.57 | 406.20406.20 | 8.558.55 | 0.840.84 | 3.383.38 | |
7. | HCL Technologies LtdHCLTECH | IT Services & ConsultingIT Services & Consulting | 4,24,929.574,24,929.57 | 1,567.851,567.85 | 73.2573.25 | 0.900.90 | 3.323.32 | |
8. | Maruti Suzuki India LtdMARUTI | Four WheelersFour Wheelers | 3,66,183.113,66,183.11 | 11,646.9511,646.95 | 40.5740.57 | 0.290.29 | 1.071.07 | |
9. | NTPC LtdNTPC | Power GenerationPower Generation | 3,20,280.883,20,280.88 | 330.30330.30 | 8.018.01 | 0.360.36 | 2.352.35 | |
10. | Oil and Natural Gas Corporation LtdONGC | Oil & Gas - Exploration & ProductionOil & Gas - Exploration & Production | 2,85,220.092,85,220.09 | 226.72226.72 | 50.4150.41 | 0.310.31 | 5.405.40 | |
11. | Power Grid Corporation of India LtdPOWERGRID | Power Transmission & DistributionPower Transmission & Distribution | 2,48,605.142,48,605.14 | 267.30267.30 | 18.5618.56 | 0.670.67 | 4.214.21 | |
12. | Coal India LtdCOALINDIA | Mining - CoalMining - Coal | 2,33,598.222,33,598.22 | 379.05379.05 | 16.8116.81 | 0.420.42 | 6.736.73 | |
13. | Hindustan Aeronautics LtdHAL | Aerospace & Defense EquipmentsAerospace & Defense Equipments | 2,31,386.122,31,386.12 | 3,459.853,459.85 | 32.6432.64 | 0.310.31 | 1.011.01 | |
14. | Asian Paints LtdASIANPAINT | PaintsPaints | 2,19,297.042,19,297.04 | 2,287.402,287.40 | 23.1023.10 | 0.580.58 | 1.461.46 | |
15. | Indian Oil Corporation LtdIOC | Oil & Gas - Refining & MarketingOil & Gas - Refining & Marketing | 1,76,261.301,76,261.30 | 124.82124.82 | 14.4714.47 | 0.400.40 | 9.389.38 | |
16. | Vedanta LtdVEDL | Metals - DiversifiedMetals - Diversified | 1,72,470.121,72,470.12 | 441.55441.55 | 45.8945.89 | 2.592.59 | 6.366.36 | |
17. | Indian Railway Finance Corp LtdIRFC | Specialized FinanceSpecialized Finance | 1,55,907.281,55,907.28 | 119.30119.30 | 12.6212.62 | 0.310.31 | 1.261.26 | |
18. | LTIMindtree LtdLTIM | IT Services & ConsultingIT Services & Consulting | 1,37,877.401,37,877.40 | 4,654.454,654.45 | 17.5717.57 | 0.420.42 | 1.401.40 | |
19. | Eicher Motors LtdEICHERMOT | Trucks & BusesTrucks & Buses | 1,36,679.031,36,679.03 | 4,985.554,985.55 | 44.2244.22 | 0.350.35 | 1.021.02 | |
20. | Power Finance Corporation LtdPFC | Specialized FinanceSpecialized Finance | 1,31,806.061,31,806.06 | 399.40399.40 | 19.0619.06 | 0.230.23 | 3.383.38 |