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Stock↓ | Date↓ | Party↓ | Category↓ | Txn. type↓ | ↓Avg. trade price (₹) | ↓Value traded (₹) | ↓Holdings change | ↓Quantity | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 27-Dec-202427-Dec-2024 | Party Name Jignesh HasmukJignesh Hasmukhlal Shah | Category Insider - KMPInsider - KMP | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 176.00176.00 | Deal Value 1.76L1.76L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 1.00K1.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 20-Dec-202420-Dec-2024 | Party Name Shruti AhujaShruti Ahuja | Category Insider - PromoInsider - Promoter Group Insider - Promoter Group | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 188.12188.12 | Deal Value 1.41Cr1.41Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.01 %0.01 % | Quantity 75.00K75.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 19-Dec-202419-Dec-2024 | Party Name Subramanian MuSubramanian Mudaliar | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 190.20190.20 | Deal Value 95.10K95.10K | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 500.00500.00 | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 11-Dec-202411-Dec-2024 | Party Name Copthall MauriCopthall Mauritius Investment Limited Copthall Mauritius Investment Limited | Category BlockBlock | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 179.15179.15 | Deal Value 29.06Cr29.06Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.30 %0.30 % | Quantity 16.22L16.22L | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 11-Dec-202411-Dec-2024 | Party Name Saltoro Alpha Saltoro Alpha Lp | Category BlockBlock | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 179.15179.15 | Deal Value 29.06Cr29.06Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.30 %0.30 % | Quantity 16.22L16.22L | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 22-Nov-202422-Nov-2024 | Party Name Jignesh ShahJignesh Shah | Category Insider - KMPInsider - KMP | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 156.71156.71 | Deal Value 5.48L5.48L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 3.50K3.50K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 18-Nov-202418-Nov-2024 | Party Name John Baptist John Baptist D Souza | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 154.45154.45 | Deal Value 22.39L22.39L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 14.50K14.50K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 30-Sep-202430-Sep-2024 | Party Name Fayyaz Ahmed PFayyaz Ahmed Peer Mohammed Shaikh Fayyaz Ahmed Peer Mohammed Shaikh | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 190.46190.46 | Deal Value 2.86L2.86L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 1.50K1.50K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 30-Sep-202430-Sep-2024 | Party Name Jignesh HasmukJignesh Hasmukhlal Shah | Category Insider - KMPInsider - KMP | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 189.86189.86 | Deal Value 5.70L5.70L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 3.00K3.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 25-Sep-202425-Sep-2024 | Party Name Subramanian MuSubramanian Mudaliar | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 198.61198.61 | Deal Value 4.97L4.97L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 2.50K2.50K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 25-Sep-202425-Sep-2024 | Party Name John Baptist John Baptist D Souza | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 192.97192.97 | Deal Value 54.03L54.03L | Holdings Chg. 0.01 %0.01 % | Quantity 28.00K28.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name Atul BhatnagarAtul Bhatnagar | Category Insider - KMPInsider - KMP | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 7.46L7.46L | Holdings Chg. 0.01 %0.01 % | Quantity 18.00K18.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name Faizan PashaFaizan Pasha | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 6.22L6.22L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 15.00K15.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name Jignesh HasmukJignesh Hasmukhlal Shah | Category Insider - KMPInsider - KMP | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 10.36L10.36L | Holdings Chg. 0.01 %0.01 % | Quantity 25.00K25.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name Subramanian MuSubramanian Mudaliar | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 1.55L1.55L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 3.75K3.75K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name John Baptist DJohn Baptist D Souza | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 5.80L5.80L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 14.00K14.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name Pankaj RajmachPankaj Rajmachikar | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 24.87L24.87L | Holdings Chg. 0.02 %0.02 % | Quantity 60.00K60.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name Kulwant Singh Kulwant Singh Bhatti | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 2.49L2.49L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 6.00K6.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name Fayyaz Ahmed PFayyaz Ahmed Peer Mohammed Shaikh Fayyaz Ahmed Peer Mohammed Shaikh | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 3.73L3.73L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 9.00K9.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name Jagdish BhagwaJagdish Bhagwan Kadu | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 2.07L2.07L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 5.00K5.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name Mr.manoj SitarMr.manoj Sitaram Mhatre | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 41.45K41.45K | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 1.00K1.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name Mr.ravindra PiMr.ravindra Pitambar Mohanty Mr.ravindra Pitambar Mohanty | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 41.45K41.45K | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 1.00K1.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name Shilpa Vipin SShilpa Vipin Saboo | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 1.14L1.14L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 2.75K2.75K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name Harish JoshiHarish Joshi | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 4.35L4.35L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 10.50K10.50K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name Satish AgarwalSatish Agarwal | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 1.45L1.45L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 3.50K3.50K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Jun-202426-Jun-2024 | Party Name Suzann HomanSuzann Homan | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 24.87L24.87L | Holdings Chg. 0.02 %0.02 % | Quantity 60.00K60.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 20-Jun-202420-Jun-2024 | Party Name Jignesh HasmukJignesh Hasmukhlal Shah | Category Insider - KMPInsider - KMP | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 200.88200.88 | Deal Value 4.02L4.02L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 2.00K2.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 13-Jun-202413-Jun-2024 | Party Name Pankaj RajmacPankaj Rajmachikar | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 205.00205.00 | Deal Value 34.85L34.85L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 17.00K17.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 12-Jun-202412-Jun-2024 | Party Name Satish DamodarSatish Damodar Agarwal | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 197.38197.38 | Deal Value 4.93L4.93L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 2.50K2.50K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 12-Jun-202412-Jun-2024 | Party Name Jignesh ShahJignesh Shah | Category Insider - KMPInsider - KMP | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 194.83194.83 | Deal Value 9.74L9.74L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 5.00K5.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 28-Mar-202428-Mar-2024 | Party Name Subramanian K.Subramanian K. Mudaliyar | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 206.84206.84 | Deal Value 12.41L12.41L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 6.00K6.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Mar-202426-Mar-2024 | Party Name Jignesh HasmukJignesh Hasmukhlal Shah | Category Insider - KMPInsider - KMP | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 198.26198.26 | Deal Value 2.97L2.97L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 1.50K1.50K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 22-Mar-202422-Mar-2024 | Party Name Pinnacle InvesPinnacle Investments | Category BulkBulk | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 205.37205.37 | Deal Value 61.61Cr61.61Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.85 %0.85 % | Quantity 30.00L30.00L | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Feb-202426-Feb-2024 | Party Name Pankaj RajmachPankaj Rajmachikar | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 35.23L35.23L | Holdings Chg. 0.02 %0.02 % | Quantity 85.00K85.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Feb-202426-Feb-2024 | Party Name Subramanian MuSubramanian Mudaliar | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 3.11L3.11L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 7.50K7.50K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Feb-202426-Feb-2024 | Party Name John Baptist DJohn Baptist D Souza | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 11.61L11.61L | Holdings Chg. 0.01 %0.01 % | Quantity 28.00K28.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Feb-202426-Feb-2024 | Party Name Jignesh ShahJignesh Shah | Category Insider - KMPInsider - KMP | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 4.14L4.14L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 10.00K10.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 26-Feb-202426-Feb-2024 | Party Name Atul BhatnagarAtul Bhatnagar | Category Insider - KMPInsider - KMP | Txn. Type BuyBuy | Avg. Trading Price 41.4541.45 | Deal Value 4.14L4.14L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 10.00K10.00K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 23-Feb-202423-Feb-2024 | Party Name Fayyaz Ahmed PFayyaz Ahmed Peer Mohammed Shaikh Fayyaz Ahmed Peer Mohammed Shaikh | Category Insider - DesigInsider - Designated Person Insider - Designated Person | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 277.58277.58 | Deal Value 4.16L4.16L | Holdings Chg. ~ 0.00 %~ 0.00 % | Quantity 1.50K1.50K | |
Stock DBREALTYDBREALTY | Date 25-Jan-202425-Jan-2024 | Party Name Trinity OpportTrinity Opportunity Fund I Trinity Opportunity Fund I | Category BlockBlock | Txn. Type SellSell | Avg. Trading Price 253.05253.05 | Deal Value 88.13Cr88.13Cr | Holdings Chg. 0.99 %0.99 % | Quantity 34.83L34.83L | |