What is the share price of Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) today?
The share price of CRAFTSMAN as on 11th March 2025 is ₹4954.55. The stock prices are volatile and keep changing through the day depending upon various factors and market conditions.What is the return on Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) share?
The past returns of Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) share are- Past 1 week: 13.58%
- Past 1 month: 21.84%
- Past 3 months: -1.74%
- Past 6 months: -15.73%
- Past 1 year: 24.08%
- Past 3 years: 153.78%
- Past 5 years: 248.26%
What are the peers or stocks similar to Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN)?
The peers or stocks similar to Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) include:What is the dividend yield % of Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) share?
The current dividend yield of Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) is 0.20.What is the market cap of Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) share?
Market capitalization, short for market cap, is the market value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares. The market cap of Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) is ₹11926.72 Cr as of 11th March 2025.What is the 52 week high and low of Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) share?
The 52-week high of Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) is ₹7121.25 and the 52-week low is ₹3782.05.What is the PE and PB ratio of Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) stock?
The P/E (price-to-earnings) ratio of Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) is 39.17. The P/B (price-to-book) ratio is 6.81.Which sector does Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) belong to?
Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) belongs to the Industrials sector & Industrial Machinery sub-sector.How to buy Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) shares?
You can directly buy Craftsman Automation Ltd (CRAFTSMAN) shares on Tickertape. Simply sign up, connect your demat account and place your order.
Craftsman Automation Ltd
CRAFTSMANCraftsman Automation Ltd

Price Chart
LowHasn't fared well - amongst the low performers
HighSeems to be overvalued vs the market average
AvgFinancials growth has been moderate for a few years
HighShowing good signs of profitability & efficiency
Entry point
AvgThe stock is overpriced but is not in the overbought zone
Red flags
AvgThe stock has a moderate number of red flags
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Key Metrics
No LabelNo Label | PB RatioPB Ratio | Dividend YieldDiv. Yield |
62.73 | 6.81 | 0.20% |
Sector PESector PE | Sector PBSector PB | Sector Div YldSctr Div Yld |
39.64 | 5.78 | 0.69% |
Forecast & Ratings
Detailed Forecast from 7 analysts
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Rev. Growth
Company Profile
Craftsman Automation is engaged in the business of engineering products and manufacturing services.
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Price Forecast
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Balance Sheet
Cash Flow
Income Statement
Financial Year | FY 2017 | FY 2018 | FY 2019 | FY 2020 | FY 2021 | FY 2022 | FY 2023 | FY 2024 | TTM | |||||||||
Total Revenue | 1,112.77 | 1,490.67 | 1,832.05 | 1,501.05 | 1,570.20 | 2,224.80 | 3,195.62 | 4,469.82 | 5,072.81 | |||||||||
Raw Materials | 406.26 | 0.00 | 710.49 | 571.71 | 672.75 | 1,065.49 | 1,699.64 | 2,521.53 | 4,265.34 | |||||||||
Power & Fuel Cost | 66.17 | 85.60 | 96.64 | 85.09 | 82.10 | 112.54 | 166.06 | 262.51 | ||||||||||
Employee Cost | 147.94 | 198.63 | 216.83 | 155.29 | 144.62 | 187.76 | 233.50 | 288.46 | ||||||||||
Selling & Administrative Expenses | 86.11 | 87.27 | 99.36 | 66.35 | 53.35 | 80.83 | 116.07 | 156.77 | ||||||||||
Operating & Other expenses | 167.19 | 813.98 | 252.04 | 221.84 | 168.89 | 236.24 | 283.72 | 343.63 | ||||||||||
EBITDA | 239.10 | 305.19 | 456.69 | 400.77 | 448.49 | 541.94 | 696.63 | 896.92 | 807.47 | |||||||||
Depreciation/Amortization | 112.77 | 149.15 | 176.15 | 196.40 | 192.45 | 205.99 | 221.61 | 277.69 | 324.41 | |||||||||
PBIT | 126.33 | 156.04 | 280.54 | 204.37 | 256.04 | 335.95 | 475.02 | 619.23 | 483.06 | |||||||||
Interest & Other Items | 89.66 | 112.48 | 140.55 | 148.60 | 107.28 | 84.22 | 120.23 | 174.54 | 195.12 | |||||||||
PBT | 36.67 | 43.56 | 139.99 | 55.77 | 148.76 | 251.73 | 354.79 | 444.69 | 287.94 | |||||||||
Taxes & Other Items | -43.07 | 12.01 | 42.62 | 15.76 | 51.40 | 88.64 | 106.40 | 140.22 | 97.80 | |||||||||
Net Income | 79.74 | 31.55 | 97.37 | 40.01 | 97.36 | 163.09 | 248.39 | 304.47 | 190.14 | |||||||||
EPS | 39.63 | 15.68 | 48.39 | 19.88 | 47.20 | 77.19 | 117.56 | 144.11 | 89.99 | |||||||||
DPS | 0.00 | 0.03 | 2.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 3.75 | 11.25 | 11.25 | 11.25 | |||||||||
Payout ratio | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.05 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.05 | 0.10 | 0.08 | 0.13 |
Company Updates
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Peers & Comparison
IndustrialsIndustrial Machinery
Stock | PE RatioPE Ratio | PB RatioPB Ratio | Div. YieldDividend Yield |
Craftsman Automation Ltd | 39.17 | 6.81 | 0.20% |
Cummins India Ltd | 46.15 | 12.01 | 1.33% |
Thermax Limited | 58.18 | 8.46 | 0.36% |
AIA Engineering Ltd | 25.86 | 4.40 | 0.51% |
Price Comparison
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Promoter Holdings Trend
Total Promoter Holding
In last 6 months, promoter holding in the company has almost stayed constant
Low Pledged Promoter Holding
Pledged promoter holdings is insignificant
Institutional Holdings Trend
Total Retail Holding
In last 3 months, retail holding in the company has almost stayed constant
Foreign Institutional Holding
In last 3 months, foreign institutional holding of the company has almost stayed constant
Shareholding Pattern
Shareholding History
Mutual Funds Holding Trend
Mutual Fund Holding
In last 3 months, mutual fund holding of the company has almost stayed constant
Top 5 Mutual Funds holding Craftsman Automation Ltd
Funds (Top 5) | The rupee value of the stock held by the fund divided by the stock’s market cap Market-cap held | Percentage of the fund’s portfolio invested in the stock Weight | Change in the portfolio weight of the stock over the last 3 months 3M holding change | The rank of the stock in the fund’s portfolio based on its weight in the portfolio along with the change in the rank over the last 3 months Portfolio rank(3M change) |
The rupee value of the stock held by the fund divided by the stock’s market cap 1.9190% | Percentage of the fund’s portfolio invested in the stock 1.09% | Change in the portfolio weight of the stock over the last 3 months 0.03% | The rank of the stock in the fund’s portfolio based on its weight in the portfolio along with the change in the rank over the last 3 months 21/136 (+3) | |
The rupee value of the stock held by the fund divided by the stock’s market cap 1.5700% | Percentage of the fund’s portfolio invested in the stock 0.37% | Change in the portfolio weight of the stock over the last 3 months 0.37% | The rank of the stock in the fund’s portfolio based on its weight in the portfolio along with the change in the rank over the last 3 months 195/244 (+45) | |
The rupee value of the stock held by the fund divided by the stock’s market cap 1.3586% | Percentage of the fund’s portfolio invested in the stock 3.22% | Change in the portfolio weight of the stock over the last 3 months 0.42% | The rank of the stock in the fund’s portfolio based on its weight in the portfolio along with the change in the rank over the last 3 months 15/33 (-1) |
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Past Dividends
Cash Dividend
Ex DateEx DateMay 17, 2024
Ex DateEx Date
May 17, 2024
Cash Dividend
Ex DateEx DateJun 19, 2023
Ex DateEx Date
Jun 19, 2023
Cash Dividend
Ex DateEx DateJun 9, 2022
Ex DateEx Date
Jun 9, 2022
Net profit of Craftsman Automation declined 82.32% to Rs 12.93 crore in the quarter ended December 2024 as against Rs 73.12 crore during the previous quarter ended December 2023. Sales rose 39.51% to Rs 1576.09 crore in the quarter ended December 2024 as against Rs 1129.70 crore during the previous quarter ended December 2023. ParticularsQuarter EndedDec. 2024Dec. 2023% Var. Sales1576.091129.70 40 OPM %12.6219.49 - PBDT149.50179.65 -17 PBT46.02109.37 -58 NP12.9373.12 -82 Powered by Capital Market - Live
Craftsman Automation will hold a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company on 29 January 2025.Powered by Capital Market - Live
Craftsman Automation announced that its subsidiary, Sunbeam Lightweighting Solutions has been assigned the following credit ratings by CRISIL Ratings as under: Long term rating - CRISIL BBB-/ Stable Short term rating - CRISIL A3 Powered by Capital Market - Live
Net profit of Craftsman Automation declined 34.75% to Rs 61.69 crore in the quarter ended September 2024 as against Rs 94.54 crore during the previous quarter ended September 2023. Sales rose 2.96% to Rs 1213.95 crore in the quarter ended September 2024 as against Rs 1179.06 crore during the previous quarter ended September 2023. ParticularsQuarter EndedSep. 2024Sep. 2023% Var. Sales1213.951179.06 3 OPM %15.8820.14 - PBDT158.30200.88 -21 PBT82.15134.05 -39 NP61.6994.54 -35 Powered by Capital Market - Live
Consolidated profit before tax stood at Rs 82.15 crore in Q2 FY25, down 38.71% from Rs 134.05 crore posted in the corresponding quarter previous year. Total expenses rose 8.44% to Rs 1,138.64 crore in quarter ended 30 September 2024. Cost of sales and services was at Rs 701.65 crore (up 9.18% YoY) and employee benefit expenses stood at Rs 83.22 crore (up 15.21% YoY) during the quarter. The company's revenue from Powertrain stood at Rs 431.11 crore (up 9.47% YoY), revenue from Aluminium Products was at Rs 582.66 crore (down 1% YoY) and revenue from Industrial & Engineering stood at Rs 200.18 crore (up 1.77% YoY) in Q2 FY25. On half year basis, the company's consolidated net profit decreased 32.03% to Rs 114.88 crore on 6.69% rise in revenue to Rs 2,365.14 crore in H1 FY25 over H1 FY24. Craftsman Automation is a diversified engineering company with vertically integrated manufacturing capabilities, engaged in three business segments, namely automotive-powertrain and others, automotive'aluminum products, and industrial and engineering. Shares of Craftsman Automation added 1.58% to Rs 5,593.10 on the BSE.Powered by Capital Market - Live
Craftsman Automation will hold a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company on 23 October 2024.Powered by Capital Market - Live
Craftsman Automation has received reaffirmation in credit ratings for bank facilities at 'CRISIL AA-;Stable/ CRISIL A1+'. Powered by Capital Market - Live
Craftsman Automation Q1 Results Review - Consolidation Continues As Expected: ICICI Securities

The domestic equity benchmarks traded with limited losses in the mid-morning trade. The Nifty traded below the 24,350 mark. Bank shares slipped for the third consecutive trading sessions. At 11:30 IST, the barometer index, the S&P BSE Sensex, was down 364.25 points or 0.43% to 79,802.63. The Nifty 50 index shed 81.50 points or 0.33% to 24,332.45. In the broader market, the S&P BSE Mid-Cap index shed 0.27% and the S&P BSE Small-Cap index rose 0.02%. The market breadth was positive. On the BSE, 1,936 shares rose and 1,754 shares fell. A total of 138 shares were unchanged. Buzzing Index: The Nifty Bank index fell 1.15% to 50,724.95. The index declined 2.97% in the three trading sessions. Axis Bank (down 6.36%), ICICI Bank (down 2.29%), AU Small Finance Bank (down 2.03%), IDFC First Bank (down 0.89%), State Bank of India (down 0.85%), Bank of Baroda (down 0.78%), IndusInd Bank (down 0.55%), Federal Bank (down 0.16%) edged lower. On the other hand, Kotak Mahindra Bank (up 0.81%) ,Punjab National Bank (up 0.71%) and HDFC Bank (up 0.46%) added. Axis Bank tumbled 6.36%. The bank reported 4.1% rise in standalone net profit to Rs 6,034.64 crore on 16.97% increase in total income to Rs 35,844.22 crore in Q1 FY25 over Q1 FY24. Stocks in Spotlight: Craftsman Automation slipped 2.68%. The company reported 28.6% fall in consolidated net profit to Rs 53.19 crore in Q1 FY25 from Rs 74.48 crore in Q1 FY24. Net sales increased by 10.9% year-over-year (YoY) to Rs 1,151.19 crore in the first quarter of 2024-25. JK Paper fell 6.99% after the company's consolidated net profit tumbled 54.73% to Rs 139.72 crore in Q1 FY25 as against Rs 308.67 crore posted in same quarter last year. Revenue from operations rose 8.16% year on year (YoY) to Rs 1,713.65 crore in the quarter ended 30 June 2024. Larsen & Toubro (L&T) added 1.44% after the EPC major's consolidated net profit rose 11.74% to Rs 2,785.72 crore on 15.12% increase in revenue from operations to Rs 55,119.82 crore in Q1 FY25 over Q1 FY24. Global Markets: Asian markets declined on Thursday as investors took a breather from the AI-fueled rally that has propelled stocks higher this year. Japan and South Korea both saw declines of over 2%, with chipmaker SK Hynix Inc. leading the downturn despite strong earnings. The US market suffered a significant setback, with the S&P 500 plunging 2.3% ' its worst day since December 2022. This marked the end of the longest period without a 2% drop since the 2008 financial crisis. The tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 plummeted 3.64%, dragged down by its largest components. Alphabet Inc. fell 5% after revealing higher-than-expected spending on its AI initiatives. Tesla Inc.'s stock plunged 12% following a disappointing profit report and delay of its robotaxi service. Nvidia Corp. also dropped 6.8%. The slump in the Magnificent Seven tech giants triggered a broad market sell-off. The Dow Jones Industrial Average also declined 1.25%. Powered by Capital Market - Live
Craftsman Automation edges lower after weak Q1 performance

Higher than Industry Revenue Growth
Over the last 5 years, revenue has grown at a yearly rate of 19.53%, vs industry avg of 11.18%
Increasing Market Share
Over the last 5 years, market share increased from 2.7% to 3.48%
Higher than Industry Net Income
Over the last 5 years, net income has grown at a yearly rate of 25.61%, vs industry avg of 23.95%