What is the current price of xxxxxx?
The current price of xxxxxx is ₹48.07 as of 13th March 2025.What is the AUM of xxxxxx?
The AUM (i.e. assets under management) of xxxxxx is ₹9.18 Cr as of 13th March 2025.What are the returns of xxxxxx?
The past returns of xxxxxx are as follows:- Past 1 week | -1.34%
- Past 1 month | -3.34%
- Past 3 months | -9.90%
- Past 6 months | -8%
- Past 1 year | -8%
- Past 3 years | N/A%
- Past 5 years | -8%
What is the Riskomenter level for xxxxxx?
The Riskometer reading of xxxxxx is 1.17.What is the expense ratio of xxxxxx?
The expense ratio of xxxxxx is 0.07 as of 13th March 2025.