Get cash against mutual funds!

Money credited within 2 working hours ⚡

Find your credit limit
No impact on your credit score
100+ users applied for a loan this week
at 10.50% pa
Loan Against Mutual FundsYou read that right. Better interest rates than personal loans
better interest rate than most loans
Auto Loan12-15%
Consumer Loan14-28%
Credit Card24-36%
at 10.50% pa
Loan Against Mutual FundsYou read that right. Better interest rates than personal loans
better interest rate than most loans
Auto Loan12-15%
Consumer Loan14-28%
Credit Card24-36%
  • Stay investedYour mutual funds continue to earn returns
  • Easy repaymentRepay anytime without any charges
  • Interest-only EMIPay interest only on the utilised amount as EMI
  • Flexible credit lineWithdraw repaid amount any time in 2 clicks

What is loan against mutual

It is a type of loan where you can pledge your mutual funds
to obtain instant funds from a lender

Why choose loans against mutual funds?

  • Low InterestInterest rate as low as 10.50% per annum
  • Stay InvestedYour mutual funds continue to earn returns
  • Flexi CashFocus on wealth protection near maturity
Get cash at 10.50% paDirect to your bank account

Cash against your mutual funds in 4 easy steps

  • Calculate credit limit
  • Confirm amountWithdraw any amount less than your credit limit
  • Link bank account
  • Pledge mutual funds
Get cash in 4 easy steps!
Quick and paperless
  • Calculate credit limit
  • Confirm loan amount
  • Link bank account
  • Pledge mutual funds
How it worksUnderstand how Loans Against Mutual Funds works
    Did you know?Learn more about loan against mutual funds
    • Understanding monthly instalments on LAMF in 1 minuteRead more
    • Is LAMF a better alternative than breaking investments?Read more
    • FAQs: Loans Against Mutual Funds on TickertapeRead more

    Frequently asked questions

    1. What is Loan Against Mutual Funds?

      Loan Against Mutual Funds is a type of loan where you can borrow money by using your mutual funds investment as collateral.

    2. What is the credit limit and how is it calculated?

      The credit limit is calculated by taking a percentage of the current market value of the mutual funds you wish to pledge. This percentage is 45% for equity MFs and 75% for debt MFs. To calculate credit limit, we will need your PAN, phone number linked to your mutual funds holdings. Checking your credit limit does not have any impact on your CIBIL score, however, it is a necessary step in order to determine your loan eligibility.

    3. Which mutual funds are accepted for availing a loan against mutual funds?

      For sanctioning loans against mutual funds, there are over 6000+ approved schemes in equity, debt & hybrid category.

    4. What is the tenure of the loan against mutual funds?

      The tenure of the loan is up to 36 months. During this tenure, you can do part-prepayment or foreclosure of the loan without any charges.

    1. What is the process for availing a loan against mutual funds?

      You can get an instant loan against shares online in 4 easy steps - a completely digital and paperless process.

    2. What will my monthly payments look like?

      On a monthly basis, you pay an interest at the rate of 10.50% p.a. on the outstanding loan amount. Additionally, you can choose to repay the principal at any time during the loan tenure. Eg, if you have an outstanding loan of 1L, your monthly payment would be (100000 x (10.50/12)/100) = 875

    3. How much loan can I get?

      You can avail a loan against mutual funds from ₹25,000 to ₹5,00,00,000.

    Have any question? Contact us

    Credit services are facilitated by the non-advisory department of Essential Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd., a tickertape group company. EIMPL through its non-advisory department has associated with Bajaj Finance Limited to enable you to avail loan against securities. By using this page, you agree to the Terms & Conditions