What is the current price / NAV of Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III?
The current NAV of Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III is ₹20.78, as of 12th March 2025.What are the returns of Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III?
The Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III was launched on 6th March 2013. This mutual fund's past returns are as follows:- 1 Year Returns: 5.99%
- 3 Year Returns: 6.39%
- 5 Year Returns: 5.03%
What are the top 5 sectoral holdings of Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III?
The top sectors Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III has invested in are as follows:- Miscellaneous | 100.20%
- Others | -0.20%
What are the top 5 holdings of Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III?
The top 5 holdings for Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III are as follows:- Triparty Repo | 100.20%
- Cash Margin - CCIL | 0.54%
- Net Current Assets | -0.75%
What is the asset allocation of Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III?
The asset allocation for Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III is as follows:- Cash & Equivalents | 100.00%
What is the AUM of Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III?
The AUM (i.e. assets under management) of Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III is ₹2.79 Cr as of 12th March 2025.What is the expense ratio of Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III?
The expense ratio of Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III Plan is 0.02 as of 12th March 2025.What is the alpha ratio of Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III?
The alpha ratio for the Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III is -0.29
Alpha is the excess return of a fund compared to its expected return, based on its beta and the risk-free rate. Positive alpha indicates that the fund has outperformed its expected return, while negative alpha suggests underperformance.
What is the volatility or standard deviation of Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III?
The volatility or standard deviation for the Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III is 0.24
Standard deviation measures the volatility or risk associated with the returns of a mutual fund. A higher standard deviation indicates higher volatility, suggesting that the returns of the mutual fund are more spread out from the average. On the other hand, a lower standard deviation implies lower volatility and a more stable performance.
What is the sharpe ratio of Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III?
The Sharpe ratio for the Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III is 8.11
The Sharpe ratio is a measure of risk-adjusted return that evaluates the performance of a mutual fund, by adjusting for its risk. Higher Sharpe ratio indicates a better risk-adjusted performance. A positive Sharpe ratio indicates that the MF has provided a return in excess of the risk-free rate for the amount of risk taken. Conversely, a negative Sharpe ratio suggests that the MF did not adequately compensate for the risk.
What is the Sortino ratio of Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III?
The Sortino Ratio for the Nippon India Inv-Qrtly-III is 1.09
The Sortino ratio of a mutual fund is a measure of its risk-adjusted return, considering only downside volatility. It helps investors evaluate how well a fund is performing relative to its downside risk. A higher Sortino ratio (value >1) means the fund generates better returns for the downside risk taken.
Invested period < 2 years
Gains are added to taxable income and taxed according to the individual’s income tax slab
Invested period > 2 years(Investments from 1st April 2023)
Gains are added to taxable income and taxed according to the individual’s income tax slab
Invested period > 2 years(Investments before 1st April 2023)
Gains are treated as long-term capital gains and taxed at 12.5%