What is the current price / NAV of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund?
The current NAV of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund is ₹17.33, as of 10th March 2025.What are the returns of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund?
The UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund was launched on 10th May 2023. This mutual fund's past returns are as follows:- 1 Year Returns: -3.55%
What are the top 5 sectoral holdings of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund?
The top sectors UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund has invested in are as follows:- Oil & Gas - Refining & Marketing | 12.74%
- Public Banks | 12.28%
- Power Generation | 10.80%
- Metals - Diversified | 10.65%
- Iron & Steel | 7.84%
What are the top 5 holdings of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund?
The top 5 holdings for UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund are as follows:- Hindalco Industries Ltd | 5.76%
- Tata Steel Ltd | 5.58%
- Coal India Ltd | 5.45%
- Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd | 5.35%
- NTPC Ltd | 5.31%
What is the asset allocation of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund?
The asset allocation for UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund is as follows:- Equity | 100.09%
- Cash & Equivalents | -0.09%
What is the AUM of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund?
The AUM (i.e. assets under management) of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund is ₹453.34 Cr as of 10th March 2025.What is the expense ratio of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund?
The expense ratio of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund Plan is 0.57 as of 10th March 2025.What is the alpha ratio of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund?
The alpha ratio for the UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund is 0.73
Alpha is the excess return of a fund compared to its expected return, based on its beta and the risk-free rate. Positive alpha indicates that the fund has outperformed its expected return, while negative alpha suggests underperformance.
What is the volatility or standard deviation of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund?
The volatility or standard deviation for the UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund is 25.80
Standard deviation measures the volatility or risk associated with the returns of a mutual fund. A higher standard deviation indicates higher volatility, suggesting that the returns of the mutual fund are more spread out from the average. On the other hand, a lower standard deviation implies lower volatility and a more stable performance.
What is the sharpe ratio of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund?
The Sharpe ratio for the UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund is -0.06
The Sharpe ratio is a measure of risk-adjusted return that evaluates the performance of a mutual fund, by adjusting for its risk. Higher Sharpe ratio indicates a better risk-adjusted performance. A positive Sharpe ratio indicates that the MF has provided a return in excess of the risk-free rate for the amount of risk taken. Conversely, a negative Sharpe ratio suggests that the MF did not adequately compensate for the risk.
What is the Sortino ratio of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund?
The Sortino Ratio for the UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund is -0.01
The Sortino ratio of a mutual fund is a measure of its risk-adjusted return, considering only downside volatility. It helps investors evaluate how well a fund is performing relative to its downside risk. A higher Sortino ratio (value >1) means the fund generates better returns for the downside risk taken.
What is the Price to Earnings (PE) ratio of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund?
The PE ratio of UTI Nifty 500 Value 50 Index Fund is 16.03, while category PE ratio is 38.31.
Invested period < 1 year
Gains are treated as short-term capital gains and taxed at 20%
Invested period > 1 year
Gains are treated as long-term capital gains and taxed at 12.5%